Who we are!Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.
What we do!
*Purchase and distribute food to families in need.
*Proud sponsor of the Mcvey Mighty Market providing food and supplies to families in need
*Provide “Toys for Tots” to children in need during the Holiday Season.
*Distribute food baskets to over 125 needy families.
*Host and sponsor an annual holiday meal distribution in conjunction with Borrelli’s for families in need.
*Sponsor an annual golf outing together with Borrelli’s Restaurant to help send children to Kamp Kiwanis and donate to local and national charities.
*Each year send over 30 underprivileged children to Kamp Kiwanis for a fun filled week; with a total sponsorship to date of over 800 children.
*Distributed $6,000 in scholarships to students at East Meadow High School and W.T. Clarke High School with a total to date of over $160,000.
*Proud sponsor of East Meadow Community Day celebrating our community for over 25 years.
*Proud sponsor and participant in the annual Memorial Day Parade.
*Since 1970s, we are proud sponsor of the Annual Senior Citizen and Military Thanksgiving Dinner. We have our Kiwanis sponsored clubs from elementary school to high school assist in this event
*Proud partnership with CEMCO’s clean-up of the bird sanctuary by Speno Park.
*Proud sponsor of the East Meadow Little League, Challenger League and Central Nassau Little League.
*Proud sponsor of the Key Clubs at East Meadow High School & W.T.Clarke. The Builders Club at both Woodland Middle School & W T Clarke MS. the K-Kids at Bowling Green, Meadowbrook, McVey, Barnum Woods, and the East Meadow Aktion Club.
*Since 1975, have held a yearly pancake breakfast at East Meadow High School to raise money for our community.
*Proud participant in the East Meadow Chamber of Commerce Millie Jones High School Mock Interview Program.
*Purchased over 250 backpacks and filled them with school supplies for East Meadow students.
*Recognized by Kiwanis International’s Eliminate by raising funds to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus worldwide in partnership with UNICEF.
*Co-sponsor with the East Meadow PTA ACCESS committee a series of workshops for the educational success of children.
*Proud sponsor of “Field of Honor”. We raise funds for military charities by installing sponsored American and Military flags in the month of November in front of both EMHS & WTHS.
What We Do
Who we are! Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.
What we do!
*Purchase and distribute food to families in need.
*Proud sponsor of the Mcvey Mighty Market providing food and supplies to families in need
*Provide “Toys for Tots” to children in need during the Holiday Season.
*Distribute food baskets to over 125 needy families.
*Host and sponsor an annual holiday meal distribution in conjunction with Borrelli’s for families in need.
*Sponsor an annual golf outing together with Borrelli’s Restaurant to help send children to Kamp Kiwanis and donate to local and national charities.
*Each year send over 30 underprivileged children to Kamp Kiwanis for a fun filled week; with a total sponsorship to date of over 800 children.
*Distributed $6,000 in scholarships to students at East Meadow High School and W.T. Clarke High School with a total to date of over $160,000.
*Proud sponsor of East Meadow Community Day celebrating our community for over 25 years.
*Proud sponsor and participant in the annual Memorial Day Parade.
*Since 1970s, we are proud sponsor of the Annual Senior Citizen and Military Thanksgiving Dinner. We have our Kiwanis sponsored clubs from elementary school to high school assist in this event
*Proud partnership with CEMCO’s clean-up of the bird sanctuary by Speno Park.
*Proud sponsor of the East Meadow Little League, Challenger League and Central Nassau Little League.
*Proud sponsor of the Key Clubs at East Meadow High School & W.T.Clarke. The Builders Club at both Woodland Middle School & W T Clarke MS. the K-Kids at Bowling Green, Meadowbrook, McVey, Barnum Woods, and the East Meadow Aktion Club.
*Since 1975, have held a yearly pancake breakfast at East Meadow High School to raise money for our community.
*Proud participant in the East Meadow Chamber of Commerce Millie Jones High School Mock Interview Program.
*Purchased over 250 backpacks and filled them with school supplies for East Meadow students.
*Recognized by Kiwanis International’s Eliminate by raising funds to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus worldwide in partnership with UNICEF.
*Co-sponsor with the East Meadow PTA ACCESS committee a series of workshops for the educational success of children.
*Proud sponsor of “Field of Honor”. We raise funds for military charities by installing sponsored American and Military flags in the month of November in front of both EMHS & WTHS.
If you would like to help us make a difference,
email [email protected]
East Meadow Kiwanis, P.O. Box 9, East Meadow, NY 11554
Are you ready to join us? Contact us or apply for Kiwanis club membership here
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