Aktion Club is a Kiwanis Service Leadership Program for adults living with disabilities.
East Meadow Kiwanis is proud to sponsor our East Meadow Aktion Club. Created in 2013, our Aktion club now has over 25 members. An Aktion Club is an official Kiwanis Sponsored Service Leadership program oriented to adult citizens who live with disabilities and who are interested in service to their communities. Aktion Club is the newest member of the Service Leadership Programs sponsored by Kiwanis International.Aktion Club members meet regularly where they learn about issues of interest, plan service projects and fundraising projects and enjoy Kiwanis Aktion Club fellowship. Aktion Club members perform a variety of community services, such as making greeting cards for the troops, fundraising for Kamp Kiwanis and the Eliminate Project, and assisting Kiwanis Clubs with their projects. Aktion Clubs also take time out for fun! Aktion Club members visit local attractions, hold dances, and enjoy bowling among other activities.
The mission of Aktion Club is to:Provide Aktion Club members an opportunity to develop initiative and leadership skillsHelp Aktion Club members serve their communityAssist Aktion Club members to become more integrated into their communityDemonstrate the dignity and value of citizens living with disabilities Aktion Club members strive to make a unique and valuable contribution to their community while developing important skills in the process.
Aktion Club
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weekly meeting
weekly meeting
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new york district mid winter conference
new york district mid winter conference
new york district mid winter conference
meeting - reverse raffle
Name that tune fundraiser
fall food drive
fall food drive
pancake breakfast
garden of hope cleanup