club news



Happy Labor Day!

This week’s meeting on Tuesday September 3 is a Board meeting at Borrelli’s @ 7:15pm. Please find attached the calendar and LISC Community Calendar. 

Do NOT forget our EARLY BIRD PRICING for attending this years installation ends August 20th, so if you would like to take advantage of that get your RSVP and payment in ASAP and finally the LISKC’s Karaoke and Guest Bartender Night @Borrelli’s Septemeber 4th. 

Payments to our club can be made online from this link

Please find attached the Calendar updates, EM Kiwanis and Chamber Picnic flyer( please RSVP so far we only have 5), our EM KIwanis Installation Flyer, our Backpack school supply list 

Please find attached our East Meadow Weekly Club & LISC Community Calendar Updates. 

Yours in Kiwanis Service,

Donna Goldstein


EM KIwanis
